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Mountains Karadag total area of more than 2.8 thousand hectares is located on a ledge of the coastline between the mouth Otuzskoy of the valley in the south-west and Koktebel valley in the north-east. From the north and west boundary of the reserve is on Sudak highway. All of this powerful group of mountains is a small piece of a giant volcanic massif, formed 150 - 160 million years ago, in coastal waters. Modern landscape Karadag - is the result of three powerful forces: the Middle Jurassic volcanic activity time, subsequent mountain-building processes in the Pliocene Epoch and the weathering of rocks, acting in our days.
Karadag array - one of the most remarkable and picturesque places of the Crimea. Their beauty and originality of the forms of relief, he is not inferior to many famous places of the globe.

Karadag Natural Reserve - one of the youngest in the former Soviet Union.
Now the local flora includes more than 10 thousand species, including many endemic species - plants, nowhere else on Earth can not occur. 29 species of rare plants specifically listed in the Red Book. Within the reserve is inhabited by 35 species of mammals, 130 - birds, 15 species of reptiles, nasekomyh.18 many rare species of animals listed in the Red Book. Kara-Dag is a unique natural complex mineralogical, where the combined land and sea, mountains and plains, forests, steppes and semidesert. It found more than a thousand species of plants, about 1640 species of butterflies, 199 species of birds, 107 species of fish ... Some animals and plants - endemic, ie occur only in those places.

The most amazing part of the Karadag - Ridge Khoba Tepe (the top of the caves). It rises to a height of 440 meters. This is the realm of stone peaks, walls, towers, grottoes and caves, damaging pristine beauty. Equal is not in the Crimea, Karadag.
Several years ago it opened ecological path on which the entire season of scientists lead tours. Today the territory of the reserve is divided into zones: open to tourists (organized, of course) and protected absolutely the preserve, as is done in many other national parks. Visitors are guided tours on the ecological path and sea walks, open nature museum, aquarium and the Dolphinarium.
Category: Wonders of Ukraine | Added by: Guide (03.03.2010)
Views: 1541 | Tags: Kara Dag mount Crimea | Rating: 0.0/0
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