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Я жил тогда в Одессе пыльной,
Там долго ясны небеса,
Там хлопотливо торг обильный
Свои подъемлет паруса;
Там все Европой дышит, веет,
Все блещет Югом и пестреет
Разнообразностью живой.
Язык Италии златой
Звучит по улице веселой,
Где ходит гордый славянин,
Француз, испанец, армянин,
И грек, и молдаван тяжелой,
И сын египетской земли,
Корсар в отставке, Морали.
А где, бишь, мой рассказ несвязный?
В Одессе пыльной, я сказал.
Я б мог сказать: в Одессе грязной -
И тут бы, право, не солгал.
В году недель пять-шесть Одесса,
По воле бурного Зевеса,
Потоплена, запружена,
В густой грязи погружена.
Все домы на аршин загрязнут,
Лишь на ходулях пешеход
По улице дерзает вброд;
Кареты, люди тонут, вязнут,
И в дрожках вол, рога склоня,
Сменяет хилого коня.             
AS Pushkin

I would like to translate these words of the great Russian poet in English, but they are not translated. Let remain in their original language.

Odessa - one of the few cities in Ukraine, which was based on a predetermined plan. It is based on the development of AF Devolan. The city was built with a rectangular street network, highlighting the main thoroughfares and squares. It was the administrative center of Primorsky Boulevard. From him down to the sea port was built in 1834-1841 years unique staircase, called Potemkin. July 30, 1827 the solemn laying of the monument to Duke de Reszel.
At July 22, 1828 from the port of Odessa goes the first post-passenger ship "Odessa", but only came out of the port the ship broke down and was forced to return to port for repairs. This marked the beginning of Odessa maritime shipping. This increased the volume of trade and made Odessa the main shopping town of the Empire. Trade is flourishing here and in our days.
Odessa is now one of the largest Ukrainian cities with one million population. In the city is a many monuments of culture and architecture. Everyone who was in Odessa wants to come back here again.

Monument to Empress Catherine II

Near Regional Museum
Category: about Ukraine | Added by: Guide (01.03.2010)
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